What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects both adults and children. With the right treatment, clients can enjoy a fulfilling life without their symptoms having a lasting impact on their day-to-day routine. However, before the symptoms can be treated, we must first determine whether you or a loved one suffers from ADHD.
To receive a diagnosis, you will undertake an extensive ADHD assessment that will include your physical health, family history, impact and description of symptoms, to name but a few.
The cost of a full adult ADHD assessment is £390. The cost of a reassessment is £250.
If you are uncertain about which appointment is right for you please email info@istrakerconsultants.co.uk or call our Liverpool clinic on 0151 2445419 our London clinic on 0208 0642183 or our Leeds clinic on 0113 403 4732.
Standard assessment
A standard assessment will take up to 90 minutes. We will take a psychiatric and developmental history. You will have an opportunity to raise any questions you have about ADHD and any concerns about your mental health. To improve the reliability of the assessment it would be helpful but not imperative, to bring somebody who knows you well to the assessment, especially if they can remember you as a child. It is also helpful to bring any old school reports that you may have. If a formal diagnosis of ADHD and / or other mental health problems are made an intervention plan will be discussed and treatment offered. Titration and mandatory follow up appointments are not included.
For people who already have a medical diagnosis of ADHD and need to restart or continue treatment a shorter assessment may be all that is required. To be able to offer a shorter assessment we will need information about your previous treatment. This may require quite a bit of work on your part to collect this information and it would be helpful to have access to this prior to your appointment. It will be helpful to have somebody that knows you well with you at the assessment as you may not be aware of all your symptoms. The diagnosis of ADHD and / or other mental health problems, if present, will be discussed and a treatment plan offered.
ECG Service
If you are diagnosed with ADHD you will need to undertake an ECG before medication can be prescribed. ECG's can be carried out for free via your GP and the NHS. I Straker Consultants can carry out an ECG at our Liverpool clinic if the NHS wait is untenable. The cost of an ECG is £100.
If after a positive diagnosis, you decide that you would like to go down the medication route, a follow up prescriber review appointment is needed to assess the effects of treatment and adjust the dosage to ensure that you get the most benefit from your treatment. It is not possible to predict how many follow-up appointments will be needed to optimise ADHD treatment but where treatment is straightforward it usually less than four appointments. Where your GP issues prescriptions and you remain under the care of IStraker Consultants a 6 month follow-up is required to be compliant with NICE Guidelines. Without follow-up from a specialist service it is unlikely that your GP will continue to issue prescriptions. Where IStraker Consultants issues prescriptions, a 6 monthly follow-up appointment is required.
Therapy/ Titration amalgamation
We also offer an amalgamation of therapy & titration sessions with one of our therapists. These are 50 minute sessions and include a dosage review and prescription.
We can either provide you with your prescription on the day that you attend your appointment at our clinic or we can send out your prescription using royal mail if you attend remotely, which will incur a charge of £8 on top of your sessional cost.
It is important to discuss your booking for an ADHD assessment with your GP. Your GP is the most important healthcare professional involved in your care as they collate all information about your medical history and co-ordinate your care with other services. I Straker Consultants LTD will need to collaborate with your GP for prescribing and if investigations such as ECG’s are needed.
I Straker Consultants specialise in private ADHD assessment, diagnosis and treatment in Liverpool, London and Leeds. Our qualified and trained team are incredibly experienced and skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, using a plethora of therapies which includes a prescription service.
For more information please feel free to contact us by clicking here.